Goal setting

My top tips to maximise achieving your goals for 2024 (and every year to come !)

I hope you all had an AMAZING Christmas and new year, and are settling into 2024 fantastically, I wanted to share with you all something that I think is absolutely crucial for your success. If you are the type of person who craves success in life I have a fool proof plan to get you there. It’s also totally fine if you don’t know what your success looks like yet, you just have to know you want it!

I know that the new year is often the time that we all start to set those plans in motion, to star goal setting, and it’s probably the main time of year when we all have time to think about all the things we would love to do, for example thinking I’m going to stop drinking as much, I’m going to lose a few pounds, I’m going to start a healthier lifestyle and that is great… but are they a forgotten thought after January OR your are you writing them down and being specific on how you want to get there and plan to get there ? These are the things that are best taken from the mind and put onto paper in black and white, and I think it is so important to use this time of year to sit and really think about what you actually want in life, not just thinking “yeah that’s something I would like to do”, no no no its about making actual plans for what you want and how you will get there.

There is something that I like to do every single year because it has proven to work over and over again! And I think it is super important that I share with you all what it is that I have been doing to get to where I am and be successful, and I’m not just talking in my career but in my personal life too. I feel comfortable in saying that I am successful in every area of my life because I choose to write it down! I make a plan and I do the things that I need to do get myself where I aspire to be.


So I your fuller bust bestie am going to walk you through what I do every new year and tell you how I keep track of my goals;

Step 1 get yourself a journal!

And I know from experience that journaling can be a hard one to get into and people think that writing things down is just nonsense or not worth it, at one point I was actually that person. BUT the magic and the power of writing s**t down is like no other. Putting thoughts in writing some how gets you very clear on what you actually want.

When journaling, going into seriously fine details like you are living it RIGHT NOW is  what is going to allow it to happen. This is such an incredible and special practice that I really really love. Taking 1 hour from your whole year to sit and write all of this down is so worth it, you can then put it away till next new year comes around, when you can re-read it and see how many goals you ticked off that list!!!

I want to just put it out there that the universe will not just give you what you want because you manifest it, I know it’s a big thing that people believe that if you put it out into the universe it will just come to you, and in some aspects sure… maybe, but definitely not when it comes to success, if you want it you have to change, put in the work girlfriend, and make it happen! And yes it is hard but do you want it to be a successful hard or an unhealthy hard? And I’m not talking about success as in being rich, having a big house etc… success means something different to us all and you just need to know what YOUR success looks like.

You make a goal and you make small little steps towards it across the year, the important thing is to make sure you are heading in that direction, and eveeeentualllllly it will click in and you will be living it.

Here is a list of some things I have wrote about this new year that could help to get you started

What are 10 of your core values ? (eg, love, happiness, health, passion, loyalty, knowledge)

What are your top 3 life values ? ( pick the 3 from your core values that are most important to you right now)

What does success mean to you ? (what do you want your life to look like in the next year? this can be anything, do not put limits on yourself.

What does success look like to you ? ( This can be anything from having a beautiful family and a 9-5 job you enjoy, or this could be having your own business and thriving being single. It is personal and unique to YOU)


There are a few things to remember when on your journey to success, one of those is small changes can be the most important factor in getting you to your goal. Another thing is utilize the people who can help you get to your goal, I know this can be hard at times but, reality check people! Everybody needs help sometimes and that its totally ok. If you ask for help, which you should, your life can grow soooooooo much quicker. Having a mentor when I was 18 was probably one of the best decisions I ever made in my life, they literally showed me so so much and its one of the best investments I ever made in myself. There are also so many free ways to gather new information to support your goal, you can find people on youtube who do something similar, or go talk to somebody who is currently doing the thing you are wanting to do, you can use social media to follow people who create content doing what you want to do, all these things can help your learn a skill. 

Girlfriend you need to be ready to do whatever it takes to get to your goal!, and there will be barriers and tests from the universe that make you question how bad you I want this thing, like how badly do you want this life, how badly do you want this success. And if you are ready to get that goal no matter what it takes, you will jump over those barriers, you will jump over that hurdle, you will bust through it and you will keep going. Remember those things are just testing you, things happen for a reason so you need to figure out ways to move around them, walk over them, go through them, do whatever you gotta do. Because you can do it !

So thank you for sticking with me here, I know this was a hefty one, but it is one of those things I so truly believe in and I really do just think it is the most helpful practice that anybody can actually take on in their life. It is so quick and easy to do, you can do it just once a year or you can do it monthly, whatever works for you. And once you have put your thoughts on paper and they are in action, that makes it a reality.

Like I said this has worked for me. 3 years in a row now all of my dreams and goals have come true. It works people! It works! And you will not know it actually works until you actually try it!

I hope that this journal prompt is going to do something magical for you, because I know it will if you put it into action. It is a special moment and a special time, if you really just allow yourself to sit with that and to be excited about your life, you have the full power and potential to change your life in whatever way you want and don't let anybody tell you otherwise


I hope you have the most amazing year


Your Fuller bust bestie x


I was in Revealed magazine with Molke!
